Catastrophes et situations d'urgence

Apporter une aide d'urgence aux populations touchées par des catastrophes naturelles (séismes, tsunamis, typhons, ouragans, inondations, sécheresses...) pour assurer leur dignité et répondre à leurs besoins vitaux.

Fatimata lives in a family with her mother-in-law, co-wife and 16 children.  Fatimata used to go from house to house, offering household services to local families. When COVID-19 struck, she was told to stay home and lost her income. Credit: Amadou Cisse/ Oxfam
In a new report released today by Oxfam, the Sahel region of West Africa is experiencing an alarming 67 percent increase in hunger, making it one of the most severe hunger crises in the world. Since Oxfam's last report "The Hunger Virus" in July 2020, the number of people in food crisis has passed...
Aminiata Diallo is a widow. She farms a plot in a collective farm. Rainfall has dropped significantly and her cereal fields no longer produce a good yield and do not suffice to feed her family. Credit : Samuel Turpin/ Oxfam
Only 26 hours of global military spending is enough to cover the $5.5 billion needed to help most at risk
Aguiratou Ouedraogo is a farmer and mother of 7 children in the village of Soubo, Burkina Faso. Credit: Samuel Turpin/ Oxfam
Le rapport « Sahel : Ce qui doit changer - Pour une nouvelle approche centrée sur les besoins des populations » se fonde sur une nouvelle analyse de données pour établir que les menaces contre les civils n'ont en fait cessé d'augmenter dans la région, malgré les efforts internationaux menés...
516,000 personnes sont sinistrées suite aux inondations historiques au Niger
516,000 people affected by the historic floods in Niger.
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