We are looking for youth initiatives fighting against the impact of COVID-19 in West Africa

MAPPING YOUTH INITIATIVES TO FIGHT COVID-19: Africtivistes launches selection process
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The first phase of the project Mapping youth initiatives to fight Covid-19 starts on September 3rd, 2020. Africtivistes, in partnership with Oxfam, is thus launching the data collection process which, in the long term, will make it possible to select one hundred (100) youth initiatives in response to the global health crisis.
Ten (10) countries have been targeted for this project: Mauritania, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Mali, Niger, The Gambia, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire and the Central African Republic. In each country, there will be focal points who will be responsible for collecting data and helping to fill out the forms.
The categories of projects requested are:
- Citizen Engagement and Volunteering
- Access to Information and Respect for Human Rights
- Transparency and Good Governance
- Tech for good, ICT and Digital in the Covid-19 response
To participate, fill out this form.
Africtivistes and Oxfam seek to achieve several objectives through this project. The first step is to promote the initiatives of young people as part of the fight against Covid-19, in order to demonstrate the transformative power of actions and the capacity of young people to mobilize, so that they can suggest collaborations with governance structures from local to national / regional levels. In addition, it will also be about mobilizing an online community around these initiatives in order to create a network of exchange and inspiration for the civic engagement of young people. On top of that, it is about promoting the collaboration of youth organizations with local communities and public authorities for greater involvement of young people in decision-making and citizen control.
Podcasts will be produced and a series of webinars will be organized to discuss with young people the place they should occupy in society, the types and angles of collaboration with public authorities and local communities, and the engagement and management of the community. Storytellings and videos will also be made and shared on social media. A database of young people interested in civic engagement and civic leadership will also be created with a regard to possible support and sustainability of their actions, on issues of citizenship and volunteering.
To participate, fill out this form.