Press release

E.g., 07.03.2025
E.g., 07.03.2025
Despite promises, nearly three-quarters of African governments reduced their agricultural budgets while paying almost double that on arms In the 12 months that African leaders vowed to improve food security in the continent, over 20 million more people have been pushed into severe hunger -...
Vincent, a public servant in Ghana, started a stationery shop to supplement his income. Photo credit : Ernest Ankomah/ Oxfam
Super-rich outstrip their extraordinary grab of half of all new wealth in past decade. Billionaire fortunes are increasing by $2.7 billion a day even as at least 1.7 billion workers now live in countries where inflation is outpacing wages. A tax of up to 5 percent on the world’s multi-millionaires...
Oxfam: Austerity measures and their gendered harms are a form of gender-based violence Governments around the world are putting women and girls in danger of unprecedented new levels of poverty, peril, overwork and premature death as a result of near-universal “slash-and-burn" efforts to recover...
At COP27 in Egypt, African civil society called for more help to Africans to adapt to climate change. Photo credit: Taiwo Aina / Oxfam
The African Caravan draws a mixed assessment of the COP27 due to the lack of concrete results, while being pleased to have been able to bring its testimony and express united demands until Sharm-El-Sheikh, in Egypt. The Caravan is now preparing to follow up on its movement.
In Burkina Faso, Kadigueta Barry is internally displaced. She fled with her husband, leaving everything behind. She cuts firewood that she fetched from the forest. Credit: Samuel Turpin/ Oxfam
Billionaire investments in polluting industries such as fossil fuels and cement double the average for the Standard and Poor group of 500 companies – Oxfam The investments of just 125 billionaires emit 393 million tonnes of CO2e each year – the equivalent of France – at an individual annual average...
Ramata is a farmer in Burkina Faso who is impacted by climate change. Credit: Gery Barbot/ Oxfam
Lower income countries paying the highest price as emissions and fossil fuel profits rocket. An average of 189 million people per year have been affected by extreme weather-related events in developing countries since 1991 – the year that a mechanism was first proposed to address the costs of...
Benin's national caravan in the village of So-Ava. Photo credit: Carin Karl Atonde
The African Climate Caravan will make its voice heard at the Climate Change Summit (Dakar) and the Pre-COP (Kinshasa). More than a hundred African civil society organizations are currently traveling across 28 countries on the continent to Egypt to present their Joint Declaration calling for more...
Haoua Ali, a herder in Lake Chad province, who is suffering the consequences of the climate crisis to which she contributed very little. Credit: Liga Nassandou/ Oxfam
Rich countries and multilateral donors have so far mobilized only 7% of the estimated $198.88 billion that West African countries need by 2030 to cope with the climate crisis and pursue their own green development. According to a new Oxfam study today, Climate Finance in West Africa, 62% of $13.9...
Crédit:Liga Nassandou/ Oxfam
Less than 18 days of fossil fuel companies’ profits would cover the entire UN humanitarian appeal for 2022 Ten of the world’s worst climate hotspots – those with the highest number of UN appeals driven by extreme weather events – have suffered a 123% rise in acute hunger over just the past six...
A displaced family in Dori, Burkina Faso. Dori has already tripled in size since the start of the crisis.Photo Credit: Jacques Bouda/NRC
Nearly one in 10 people in Burkina Faso have been displaced by conflict. Most worryingly, the rate of severe food insecurity has nearly doubled compared to last year, with over 600,000 people in emergency hunger levels during this lean season, warns 28 international aid organisations operating in...
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